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About Us
The Florida Quarter Horse Association, incorporated on September 13, 1945, is a non-profit organization of people, firms and corporations engaged in the cooperative activity of owning pure-bred American Quarter Horses, bettering existing types and strains of such horses, promoting the breeding of such horses, procuring desirable publicity for and holding or fostering shows and sales featuring American Quarter Horses. In general, FQHA promotes cooperation among breeders and owners of American Quarter Horses.
In a typical year, the Florida Quarter Horse Association holds fifteen of its own AQHA recognized Quarter Horse shows, and sanctions some forty more within the state. All shows are open to any AQHA member, showing AQHA registered horses; FQHA members also earn state points towards year end awards and titles. The Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa is the site of FQHA’s largest show circuit, The Gulf Coast Circuit, held in January each year.
FQHA sponsors two Youth Teams which compete at the AQHYA World Championship Show in Oklahoma City, OK, and The All-American Quarter Horse Congress in Columbus, Ohio. A generous scholarship program, administered by AQHA, is available to college bound FQHA youth members.
FQHA is a dynamic and multifaceted organization with much to offer the owners and breeders of American Quarter Horses.
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